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Onsen Therapy

About Onsen Therapy™


When was the last time

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How You'll Feel

Image by Mak

Are you tired of treating symptoms and never finding the source of the problem?


Onsen Therapy can solve both simple and severe problems when no one else can.  Onsen Therapists are rigorously trained in detailed assessment skills, with a full-body protocol to find the source of your pain.

What is Onsen Therapy?

Onsen Therapy is a gentle method, easy for both therapist and client.  While you are in the comfort of your elastic waist workout clothes, your Onsen Therapist will:

  • Assess your bony landmarks which will give them a three dimensional look at the bones which may be out of alignment.

  • Discover the muscles or ligaments that are pulling your bones out of the proper play or balance in the joint.

  • Compare the assessments in different positions (standing, sitting, and lying) which will give more clues about the true source of the problem.

Osteopath at Work
  • Utilize gentle specialized forms of muscle energy techniques with isometric exercises (hold/relax/stretch) on a massage table.

  • Perform strategically positioned stretches and exercises that will retrain the muscle memory to hold your structure where it should be, based on the detailed assessments recorded.

  • Re-educate your joints and release the pressure on your nerves.  The goal is to get your large muscles to soften, releasing the pain so that they can work normally.

Workout Stretch
  • Use Transverse Friction Massage (TFM): gently crossing of the fibers of the tissues, tendons, or ligaments that are under tension or strain causing your pain.

  • Give you stretches and exercises that can be used for prevention of pain before you go on a long ride, airplane flight, or other activity.

How You'll Feel

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Image by Ninno JackJr
Some important things to remember about this cooperative therapy:
  • Just like your brain practices a new math problem a few times, your muscles also need practice to remember what to do.

  • Treatment time is about 90 minutes and includes a history of your injuries, falls and medical detail, followed with assessment and correction of the lower body before treating any upper body conditions.

  • Muscle memory may be affected by a dysfunction of or injury to the viscera or small/large intestines.  This is often apparent when treatments don’t seem to last or have to be repeated every week.

  • Visceral therapy often helps those injured organs recover to help muscle memory. ​

If you can stay committed to the key stretches or exercises that your therapist customizes for you, you can be in the driver’s seat of your own mobility for the rest of your life.​

After your Onsen Therapy session, your retrained muscles will hold your body structure in the correct position.  Your muscles will strengthen doing the jobs they were originally assigned to do by the brain, allowing your body to relax and return to its full function and comfort.

Contact Therapy
Green Nature

Spiraling Therapy is open.

In following with CDC guidelines for close contact professions, we ask that you wear your mask, both coming into and out of the office, as well as during your session.  There is a UV air filter in the treatment room to help cut down on possible airborne and droplet virus and germ particles.  As always, your therapist will wash hands both before and after your session.  Please visit the washroom on your way in and wash your hands before heading upstairs to the treatment room.  We appreciate your assistance in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and other germs/viruses! 

Message Us

Thank you for your message! We will get back with you soon.

Now located at:
​Pilates Center of Huntsville
2745 Bob Wallace Ave SW Suite C
Huntsville, AL 35805

Spiraling Fitness / Spiraling Therapy


Certified GYROTONIC®

and GYROKINESIS® Trainer
Hawaii MAT 15460

Alabama Lic #5406 / Alabama Establishment Lic #3029


Now located at:
​Pilates Center of Huntsville

2745 Bob Wallace Ave SW Suite C 
Huntsville, AL 35805

GYROTONIC®  GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

© 2024 by Spiraling Fitness and Spiraling Therapy. Designed by PhynxPhyr Visions

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